Wednesday, January 15, 2014

WFMW: eMeals.

I walked into marriage knowing not how to cook hardly a thing. I could make spaghetti and warm up a hot pocket. That was about it. After four months or so of struggling of what and how to cook, I decided I was going to take on meal planning. eMeals has seriously helped this newly married college girl cook for her and her husband. You can choose from thirteen different meal plan options ranging from gluten free to classic to natural & organic. We are currently using classic, but we've used low carb as well. You can change your meal plan option once a month which I love. I don't like to keep some things routine, so being able to change my options once a month is fantastic. It only does plan for dinners though, but you can add lunch meal plans for an extra 4 dollars a month. Not having a meal plan for lunch didn't really affect us though because we both just graze on foods all day till dinner. If you sign up for 12 months, it comes out to only 5 dollars a month which is even affordable for us as college students. Click here to go sign up for eMeals! I highly recommend it.

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