Thursday, January 16, 2014

The Circle: Coffee Shop Date

I love a good coffee shop. I love the hole-in-wall type coffee shops where all the musicians and writers go to find peace at. Being from Nashville, home of Music City, we have coffee shops on every corner. I need to make it a mission to visit them all. There are one or two coffee shops where I am currently living, about an hour and a half from Nashville. I'm thinking I need to take a trip to them soon :) I'm joining The Circle for their coffee shop date so here it goes.

1. Where are you seated (near the counter, near the window, near the door, against the wall, etc.)? I like to look at things that are going on around me outside. I tend to gravitate towards the window in any place, so the coffee shop is no exception. I like to look out the window at birds flying, squirrels chasing each other, people going about their daily lives.

2. What are you sipping/munching on? It highly depends on the season and the weather outside. During fall and Christmastime, I am most definitely sipping on something that's peppermint, pumpkin, gingerbread, apple, or any of the fall and Christmastime flavors. After Christmas, I usually go for anything I'm in the mood for - hot, cold, it doesn't matter. Summer is when I like to try different flavor teas. You can find me munching on cookies, cake pops, anything they offer.

3. What do you want to get off your chest first (can be as deep as you want)? I'd want to talk about how I'm battling anxiety, how I'm trying my hardest to give it all to God and trust Him. I'd want to share with you my dreams of adopting two or three kids and having two or three kids of my own, traveling the world and going on adventures with my family, and my dream of living off the land complete with a bountiful garden, chickens, cows, and anything else that makes a good farm.

4. If you could choose anyone (besides us of course) who would you have a coffee with? Jennifer Lawrence. Sister is awesome.
5. What is inspiring you lately?
Looking at home magazines such as Better Homes & Gardens, Family Circle, and Southern Living. Also, beautiful tumblr blogs that post such captivating photos. As well as this blog. I always find great inspiration there from traveling to date ideas for J and I.

6. What are your plans after coffee? Go home, put on sweats and a tshirt, and spend the evening watching Netflix with J and Ry cuddled up with blankets with the sun peaking through our big window in the living room.

In Its Time


  1. Stopping by from the link-up! :)

    Jennifer Lawrence. YES! She would be a blast to have a coffee date with! Love that girl.

    Also, Better Homes and Gardens is one of my all-time favorite magazines. I have a huge stack of them that a friend passed on to me and I STILL haven't looked through them all. Half the time, I just wish that is what my place looked like. ha!

    Glad I got to stop by your place! :)

    1. Oh girl, I feel ya about wishing that half the time I wish my home looked like that too! I've circled so much stuff in the magazines for my home!

  2. So many things I want to say to you after catching up with you in this post! From the location (windows are key!), to the food (how could I forget about the importance of the seasons?), to the talking, too. I love what you said about giving it all to Him and casting our fears and worries on Him, too. Trust is hard stuff and it seems to be something we're all talking about in our coffee dates! :) Also, I love what you said about adoption. Adoption is amazing and has been a dream of mine since elementary school. Oh, and Jennifer Lawrence? How could you NOT love her?

    Thanks for linking up!

    1. I've loved reading everyone's link ups! Such a great idea :)

  3. I said J. Law as well!!! holla! also, what beautiful dreams :) keep trusting the Lord with each step. He promises to give you the desires of your heart and He will be faithful!
