Friday, April 4, 2014


Lately, I have felt so overwhelmed in just about every area of my life. The solution? I am going to start simplifying like craaaazy. I want to live a simple life and leave room for the things that truly matter - my husband, my family, God, and just enjoying life. I no longer want to feel weighed down by so much stuff, so my goal is to s l o w l y start simplifying each area of my life, one step at a time. Our Yellow Door did a series on simplifying that I am using as sort of a guideline. I can't wait to continue to tackle this and I hope it yields some great results :)


  1. My husband and I are in the process of doing some major "simplifying" as far as possessions go because we're going to move overseas soon--I recently asked my husband how he felt after getting rid of a bunch of stuff he's owned since high school or thereabouts, and he said, "Free!" I think freedom really can be a big perk of simplifying your life!

  2. Oh, I definitely agreeing! Every time I put something in the donation bag a part of me feels a little more free each time!
