Monday, April 21, 2014

God-Sized Dreams

I posted a couple weeks ago that I had started reading The Circle Maker and that it was absolutely rocking my world. Let me tell you, that book is LIFE changing. I'm reading it s l o w l y. I want to soak every bit of it's goodness in. It is truly an anointed book and it could not have gotten into my hands at a better time.

Around the time that I got the book, my dad was offered a job (my dad is a country musician and plays for several country artists) to be a bass player in a well-known country artists band. He had to go on tour with them for a few days to "audition" for the part. It was a big deal so I did what I knew to do - I prayed relentless circles around it. I thanked Him in advance for blessing my dad and family with the job. And guess what? God came through and blessed my dad and family with the job. He is so good. Can I get an amen?

Josh and I have been living about an hour and ten minutes away from our families and my heart's desire ever since we moved away was to live closer to them. I knew it wasn't going to be possible until Josh graduated from college in two more years, but God knows the desires of our hearts. A couple weeks ago Josh discovered a new career path and has decided to change his major to it. The college he currently attends does not offer the major, so guess where we are moving to!? Back to Nashville, baby! T-minus (roughly) two and a half weeks! I could not be more excited! Once again, He is so so so good.

Does it get better? Yes it does! Josh and I currently do not have enough money to get a place of our own when we move back to Nashville, so for a few months we will be living with my parents and sister. One night, I was on bloglovin' just searching through some blogs and I happened upon a blog telling about the HGTV Smart Home giveaway. Do you know where the home is located? Nashville, Tennessee!! It's located in a part of town that I have ALWAYS dreamed of living. The house comes fully furnished, with a brand new car, and a 100,000 dollars!! I have been praying BIG circles around that baby since that day I fell in love with it. Every time I enter on the websites I pray God-sized circles around that home. If it's His will to bless us with that home, I know He will! It's my job to pray circles around it and thank Him in advance for it.

Can I just tell you a few more things about the home? I've been praying circles around it from the moment I heard about it. I decided that I'd drive my sister and I out to see it in person. We turn onto the road it's located on and the end of the road is a CIRCLE!! Circles are already surrounding that home! A couple days later my sister and I stopped at Walgreens to pick up the Sunday newspaper. I sat it on the counter and opened up the newspaper to just browse it and I TURNED RIGHT TO A PICTURE OF THE HOUSE! I had no idea that the house was even in that issue of the newspaper!! Thirdly, a special on the house came on HGTV so my mom and sister joined me to watch it. As we're watching it, two of the men who are part of the team for the house went to a coffee shop. In the background of this coffee shop is THE CIRCLE MAKER! I nearly lost it right then and there.

I do not know what God has planned for Josh and I with this home, but what I do know is that God sees me and He is hearing my prayers and that no matter what He is still good. So so good.

This is it!


  1. Yay for the move back & good luck with the house. GOD IS GOOD.

  2. I love the Circle Maker! It really changed my prayer life when I read it two years ago and I think it's time I read it again! Oh, and that house is gorgeous!!!

    1. Go for it! I might just read through it again and use all the highlighted parts as a devotional once I finish it!

      Thank you! I think so too!

  3. I've never read the Circle Maker but you have me so curious! Sending up a prayer for the future with your change of plans and address!

    1. You should pick up a copy! It will richly bless you.

      Thank you so much!
