Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Grace Upon Grace

She Who Fears

Today, I am linking up with Jordyn from She Who Fears. She is challenging us to share just four ways grace has been evident in our lives lately.

One. I know I just posted about this yesterday, but I am just so excited about Josh and I being able to move back to Nashville. Nashville is where my heart is. I love it there. It's my hometown. I am so excited to finally LIVE there with my hubby! I can't wait to play tourist there this summer with him! There are so many possibilities ahead of us, and I can't wait to see how God moves in our lives.

Two. Josh got the job he applied for last week back in Nashville! I am so happy and excited for him! It's a little part time job, but it's so much better than nothing. It'll bring in some money while we are living with my parents so we can save up enough to pay the bills on whatever God blesses us with!

Three. These two verses: "But whatever I am now, it is all because God poured out His special favor on me—and not without results. For I have worked harder than any of the other apostles; yet it was not I but God who was working through me by His grace." -1 Corinthians 15:10 and 
"I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world." - John 16:33. These verses speak right to the depths of my soul. God's special favor. Wow, don't you just want that? I know I do and I have been praying for God to pour out His special favor on Josh, me, and my family.

Four. Easter was so simple and so good. Church was beautiful, the weather was great, and I just loved the simplicity of the day. Mom cooked a wonderful Easter lunch and we all just ate, hung out, and napped. Speaking of simplicity, I have began trying to simplify my life one step at a time. We are moving in two weeks or so, so I am trying to declutter as much as possible. It's been a success so far and I am loving simplifying!

Josh's eyes are closed because the sun was shining right in our faces!
Go share your graces over at She Who Fears!


  1. Hey Olivia! I just found you through Jordyn's blog :) That's awesome that you and your husband are able to move back to where your hearts are! God is so good, isn't He?

    Your comment about simplicity made me really excited! That's something that my husband and I are definitely embracing lately, and we *love* it. I actually wrote a two week series about simplicity on my blog a while back - you might like it! Here's the link - http://ouryellowdoor.wordpress.com/2014/03/15/the-simplified-series-intro/

    Be blessed today, Olivia!

    1. I have actually been reading your simplified series bit by bit and I am LOVING it! Thank you so much for it! It's been wonderful and helping me out quite a bit!

    2. Oh my! You beat me to it! I am crazy encouraged that it's been helping you out. Simplifying is such a worthwhile journey and it sounds like you're loving it!

      What's been the most rewarding part of simplifying so far?

    3. It's helped me to not feel so overwhelmed! And it's definitely helping me not feel as cluttered. I've gotten rid of (around) four bags full of stuff already!

  2. I love the verse from John. It's so encouraging! Good luck with the move, I hope it goes very smoothly and simply :)

  3. Oh Olivia, I love this!
    Yay for God's provision and for making His grace so clear in your lives!
    Things like living in a place that you love,
    a job, Easter with family! It's such a good practice to count these things and be thankful!
    Hope you have an awesome Friday!
