Thursday, May 22, 2014

Confession Time

I have a confession to make... I have no idea how to be a wife. I have been married for almost eleven months and I have no earthly idea on how to be a wife. I know the roles I play as a wife: cooker, cleaner, lover, friend... But I don't know exactly how to go about being these. Does that make any sense at all?

And since we're being honest here, I feel like a failure as a wife half the time. Does it have to do with getting married so young? Maybe, but I am not sure. Does it have to do with not having many married friends to give me advice and to lend a listening ear? Possibly.

I just know that during this season of life I feel like I am just wandering through the days, trying to get some sort of understanding on how to take on this role as a wife. Sometimes it sends me into a depression, making me just want to curl up with a book and a diet Dr Pepper and try to forgot all of my woes. But sometimes I am motivated beyond belief to give it my absolute all.

I am praying and asking God to help me find balance during this season of life. I know that He will bring me the peace and love and joy and balance that I need for my journey.

I have no idea how to be a wife, but I know that God will guide my steps and hold the lantern for me over the path that I need to take each day. He will hold my hand and we will walk side by side as He leads me on this (somewhat) new adventure I have been embarking on.

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