Thursday, November 14, 2013

Thirty Days of Thankfulness; Week Two.

I am continuing on from last week with the 30 days of thankfulness link up from The Harrells on Hood.

November 8th: I am thankful for Fridays. The weekends are some of my most treasured times. My husband and I drive back down to our hometown every Friday and stay till Sunday to visit with our families.

November 9th: I am thankful for celebrating family's birthdays and spontaneous babysitting nights. We celebrated Josh's cousins birthday last Saturday at a Mexican restaurant and drove back to his home for cake. We also got to babysit two of the sweetest little girls who, though they are not related by blood, are our family.

November 10th: I am thankful for late night babysitting gigs and church and Sunday lunch. I got to babysit two awesome boys on Sunday night! They were five and seven years old and absolutely so fun to be with. Church on Sunday morning was very refreshing for my soul. Have you heard Nothing I Hold On To/Climb? It penetrated my soul so deeply. Give it a listen.

November 11th: I am thankful for the cold weather. I absolutely love it. Big sweaters, uggs, and great coffee!

November 12th: I am thankful for cute barber shops and new husband hair cuts. I found the cutest little barber shop in our town and I took Josh there to get his hair cut! I'll have to post pictures of it sometime later, but for now here's a picture of  my handsome husband's new do.
November 13th: I am thankful for a husband who takes care of me when I'm sick. I got a cold a few days ago and my husband has been so good to me.

November 14th: I am also thankful for husband's who call from the other room saying "This song is for you!" and precede to play my favorite song from The Nutcracker. He's a keeper, y'all.


  1. Big sweaters, scarfs, uggs, and coffee... ohhh yeah. You're speaking my language girl! Thanks for linking up again!

  2. Aww, these are sweet. I love that they pretty much all are connected to family. You seem very blessed indeed! What a joy! Glad I found you through this great link-up! :)
