Thursday, November 7, 2013

thirty days of thankfulness; week one.

I've been wanting to do a thankfulness challenge, but haven't really had time to do one. I finally found some free time this morning to sit down and catch up on some blogs and I came across a thirty day thankfulness challenge I found on The Harrells on Hood blog. So here it goes:

November 1st: I am thankful for the Cancer Treatment Centers of America. Specifically the one located in ATL. My mom had surgery there last Tuesday to remove cancerous tumors. She has complete healing in Jesus name.

November 2nd: I am thankful for the chefs at CTCA and that I have food on my plate to eat. The food at the treatment center was absolute incredible. I am blessed to be able to eat healthy meals and have food on my plate every single day.

November 3rd: I am thankful for stumbling upon this article that has went viral on marriage not being for you. Such a beautiful reminder of the marriage plan that God has for us.

November 4th: I am thankful for the holiday seasons. It brings so much joy to my life, brings families so close together, and reminds us of the true reason for the season.

November 5th: I am thankful for a place to call home. It may not be my ideal "perfect" image of a home, but I get to come home to a loving husband, a playful dog, and a pillow to lay my head on at night.

November 6th: I am thankful for laughter with my husband. Those moments when random laughter starts and it can't stop. Those are the best.

November 7th: I am so so so thankful for my family. They are my everything.


  1. Oh Olivia I adore your list. First and foremost praises to God for the healing of your mother. Jesus' blood is sufficient! I also love that you are thankful for laughter with your husband, my husband and I are on a journey to spend more quality time together. On this journey I have discovered or rather rediscovered how much I love hearing him laugh! I hope you are having a wonderful Thursday thanks for sharing your sweet list with us!!

    1. Well thank you so much! Laughter is the absolute best! Especially shared with your loved ones (:

  2. Girl thank you for linking up with me, I have LOVED getting to read what others have been thankful for this week. I too am thankful that you mom is healing!! Praise The Lord! I am very close with my family as well and that itself is a blessing! :)

  3. This is great. I'm glad I found you through the link-up! I love that you can find things to be thankful for, even through the hard days of cancer treatment centers.

    1. Aw well thank you! It is such a blessing that God allows me to see the blessings when it would be normal to just worry over everything.
